Frequently Asked Questions

Why is your name Lean Dog Fitness?

“It takes a lean dog to run a long race” is a quote that our founder, Tom Harmon, lives by. At a very young age, Tom was told by his father about the importance of running the long race of life by building healthy habits and focusing on longevity. Today, Tom is 72 years old, and he doesn’t know a doctor. He attributes his excellent longevity to eating right, training right, and thinking of his wellness in the long term. These ideas are the underpinning of Lean Dog Fitness.

Why personal training?

At Lean Dog, we believe personal training is the best way to get fitness results. Here are some of the key reasons we believe in personal training:

  1. Motivation and accountability: A personal trainer can help keep you motivated and accountable to your fitness goals, which can be especially useful if you tend to struggle with sticking to a workout routine on your own.

  2. One-on-one attention: With personal training, you have the trainer's undivided attention, which can be helpful if you have questions or need extra support. This can be particularly useful if you're new to exercise or have specific goals or challenges.

  3. Improved form and technique: A personal trainer can watch your form and technique and provide feedback to help you perform exercises correctly, which can reduce the risk of injury and improve the effectiveness of your workouts.

  4. Customized workouts: A personal trainer can design a workout plan specifically your goals, fitness level, and any injuries or other considerations. This can be more effective than trying to follow a generic workout plan or trying to come up with your own plan.

Why strength training?

Strength training is one of the most valuable forms of exercise that people can do. A recent Harvard meta-analysis of multiple studies found that people who do muscle-strengthening workouts are less likely to die prematurely than those who don’t, adding to previous evidence that strength training has long-term health benefits. Here are some of the every day benefits you can expect from strength training at Lean Dog:

  1. Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Strength training has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

  2. Weight management: Strength training can help you maintain or increase muscle mass while losing fat, which can help you manage your weight.

  3. Improved bone density: Strength training can help increase bone density, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

  4. Improved cardiovascular health: Strength training can also improve cardiovascular health by increasing your heart and lung function.

  5. Improved mental health: Strength training can also have positive effects on mental health, including reducing stress, improving mood, and increasing self-esteem.

  6. Increased muscle strength and endurance: Strength training can help increase the strength and endurance of your muscles, which can improve your performance in activities of daily living, such as carrying groceries or climbing stairs.

How long do workouts at Lean Dog take?

Between 15 and 30 minutes! Lean Dog’s Adaptive Resistance technology provides optimal resistance during every moment of every repetition, making it one of, if not the, most effective forms of resistance exercise in existence. Our Vasper technology is designed to take only 21 minutes, for optimal recovery hormone production. Your initial visit may take a bit longer, because we need to calibrate our machines to match your body mechanics.

What should I wear?

Standard, comfortable workout attire. We recommend a plain t-shirt with and athletic shorts or pants. For your intro appointment and on appointments featuring Vasper, we recommend wearing a shirt with sleeves, compression arm sleeves, or a rash guard for even greater comfort during your workout.

What should I bring?

We recommend bringing a reusable water bottle (or buying one from our shop) to stay hydrated, and enjoy some of our premium 7x filtered Flowater.

Are there any discounts available for friends and family?

We offer discounts for prepayment of multiple months of membership and for having an active membership with someone in the same household.

How do reservations work?

All workouts at Lean Dog are appointment based. Our Concierge will work with you in-person or over the phone to reserve time that’s convenient for you, so that we can guarantee our machines and trainers will be available to give you the best workout experience ever.